Audience members listen to speaker Rithika Kumar during the September 2024 Research Relay.
Photo: Brandon Martin
The School of Social Sciences will kick off the spring Research Relays on February 12, showcasing its three new interdisciplinary centers: the Center for Coastal Futures and Adaptive Resilience (CFAR); Rice Voting Operations, Technology, Equity, and Security (Rice VOTES); and the Center for Computational Insights on Inequality and Society at Rice (CIISR).
“It’s an exciting time for the School of Social Sciences to have the university’s support for these three new centers,” said Rachel Kimbro, dean of the School of Social Sciences. “Our faculty are moving important, innovative research forward, and the centers create space for expanded exploration to solve some of the world’s most pressing issues.”
Presented as lightning talks, the center directors will discuss their centers and opportunities for faculty and students to get involved. After the talks, attendees are encouraged to mix and mingle with the presenters and with one another to discuss the research. Dominic Boyer, professor of anthropology, and Jim Elliott, David W. Leebron Professor of Sociology and department chair, will begin the presentations with a talk on CFAR.

“CFAR’s goal is to advance and support more equitable forms of adaptive resilience emerging from the twin challenges of climate change and social inequality,” said Boyer. Elliott added, “These efforts include developing new projects and partnerships to address the spread of environmental challenges throughout Houston, the United States, and the world.”
Following CFAR, the presentation on Rice VOTES will be led by Michael Byrne, professor of psychological sciences, Philip Kortum, professor of psychological sciences and associate department chair, and Robert Stein, Lena Gohlman Fox Professor of Political Science.
“Our center offers an interdisciplinary view of election administration,” said Stein. “The PIs include two researchers who have been at the forefront of extending human factors into the domain of election administration, a political scientist with an extensive track record of research in election administration, a computer scientist with expertise in security, including the security of voting systems, and an expert in design and evaluation of training. This interdisciplinarity provides us with unique leverage in addressing problems in election administration.”
For the final presentation, Fred Oswald, professor and Herbert S. Autrey Chair in Social Sciences, and Elizabeth Roberto, assistant professor of sociology, will deliver a talk on CIISR.
“CIISR brings together social scientists to explore complex issues related to inequality using advanced computational methods,” said Roberto. “By combining computing power with large-scale data, CIISR will help researchers study topics like the spatial patterns of residential segregation and the impact of AI on the future of work. The center will also provide valuable opportunities for collaboration and training, equipping students with the skills needed to tackle today’s social challenges.”
All of these centers, which were funded by Rice University over the past year, feature interdisciplinary, collaborative teams and address important societal issues.
“The primary aim of Research Relays is to foster innovative discussions and build collaborative relationships throughout the Rice academic community,” said Pat DeLucia, associate dean for research for the School of Social Sciences. “A focus on the new social sciences centers is a natural and exciting fit for the February event.”
Research Relays: New School of Social Sciences Centers will take place on February 12, 2025 at 12:00 pm in Kraft Hall 130. Lunch will be provided. RSVPs are requested. For questions, contact