School of Social Sciences Conference Travel Grants for NTT Faculty

The School of Social Sciences (SoSS) Travel Grants for NTT Faculty aims to facilitate the professional development of non-tenure track (NTT) faculty by providing funds to present their work or participate in pedagogical committees at professional conferences.

Submission Deadline

Applications are considered on a rolling basis until the allotted funds expire.

Applications with all supporting materials must be submitted at least 30 working business days before the conference starts using the SoSS online application (weblink to the application located at the bottom of this page)

Award Information

Estimated Number of Awards: 6
Anticipated Funding Amount per Award: up to $1,500

Faculty may receive only one grant in a SoSS funding cycle (July - June).


  1. Must be a full-time Rice non-tenure track faculty member in SoSS.
  2. Must be the presenting author and selected to present a paper or poster at a professional conference or participate in pedagogical training or committees at a professional conference.
  3. The research being presented must have been conducted at Rice University. Co-authors can be affiliated with other institutions.

Allowable Expenses

Travel grants may cover conference or meeting travel expenses, including domestic or foreign economy airfare, lodging, transportation, mileage, and registration fees. However, they may not be applied to meal or food costs.

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation will be based primarily on the potential that the conference travel will have for advancing research or teaching excellence and the professional development of the NTT faculty member.

Application Components

  1. Completed online application form
  2. Abstract of the work being presented (one-page maximum)
  3. Explanation of how this conference presentation and pedagogical training or committees will advance your professional development (two-page max)
  4. Curriculum Vitae (two-page max)

Award Terms

  1. SoSS will not provide retroactive reimbursements.
  2. Recipients of conference travel grants must accept the award within ten working business days of the notification. Failure to confirm within this period will result in forfeiture.
  3. Travel reimbursement requests must be submitted via Rice's ImagineOne (iO) expense reporting module. SoSS is not responsible for preparing or submitting reimbursement reports; recipients should collaborate with their department administrator or coordinator.
  4. Recipients must submit their travel expense reports for approval within 30 working business days of the conference or meeting's conclusion. Reports submitted after this period will not be reimbursed.
  5. Awards are non-transferable and are specific to the conference or meeting listed in the awarded application.
  6. Recipients must comply with Rice University's Travel, Business Meeting, and Entertainment Policy (#806). They should provide all required itemized receipts and include the official invitation, agenda, or certificate of completion as part of the backup documentation for reimbursement.
If you cannot scroll through the complete application form, click on a field within the application and use your tab key to navigate to the attachments section of the form.