SoSS Dean’s Distinguished Research Awards


The aim of the SoSS Dean's Distinguished Research Awards is to recognize excellence in faculty research. Two awards will be given each year, one for junior faculty and one for senior faculty. Nominations will be evaluated on the extent to which the candidate's work has been (or has the potential to be) transformative in their field, and the extent to which the applicant's work has garnered national and international recognition. Nominations must come from department chairs; each chair may nominate one person for each award level.

Nominee Eligibility

  • Must have their primary academic appointment in one of the SoSS departments.
  • Must have been at Rice University for at least three years.
  • Junior-level: Must be a full-time Rice tenure-track faculty member at the rank of assistant professor
  • Senior-level: Must be a full-time Rice tenured/tenure-track faculty at the rank of associate or full professor.

Application Deadline (Due by 11:45 p.m., CST)

March 3, 2025.

Award Information

Estimated Number of Awards: 2
Anticipated Funding Amount per Award: $1,000

Review Process:

The SoSS Dean, Associate Dean for Research, and SoSS Research Manager will review nominations and identify finalists. A committee of department chairs who do not have a nominee will select the winner.

Application Procedure

Submit a completed online SoSS Dean’s Distinguished Research application (at the bottom of this page) along with the associated components by the deadline. Required proposal components are listed below. Incomplete applications will not be considered for funding.

  1. Nomination Letter: must come from the nominee’s department chair, and must be no more than 2 pages. Each department chair may nominate only one person for each award level (i.e. Junior and Senior).
  2. Nominee’s most recent Curriculum Vitae (CV).

Evaluation Criteria

  • Candidates must have demonstrated exceptional performance in research.
    • To what extent has the candidate's work been transformative (or, for junior faculty, has the potential to be transformative) in their field?
    • To what extent has the applicant’s work garnered national and international recognition?

If you cannot scroll through the complete application form, click on a field within the application and use your tab key to navigate to the attachments section of the form.

Fill out my online form.